Author: Elias Yaacoub
Edition: 1
Publisher: Wiley-IEEE Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1118074505
Category: Programming
List Price: $ 103.95
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Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems: Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementations (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication)
Tackling problems from the least complicated to the most, Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems provides readers with a comprehensive look at resource allocation and scheduling techniques (for both single and multi-cell deployments) in uplink OFDMA wireless networks—relying on convex optimization and game theory to thoroughly analyze performance. Programming books Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems pdf. . Download books Resource Allocation In Uplink Ofdma Wireless Systems Ne pdf via mediafire, 4shared, rapidshare.

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Buy Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems by Elias Yaacoub,Zaher Dawy and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
Price: $105.85
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems by Zaher Dawy, Elias Yaacoub Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New This book treats the problems of single cell resource allocation, multiple cells resource allocation, centralized resource allocation, distributed resource allocation, the case of collaboration between base stations and the case without base station collaboration, in addition to the case of user co
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems by Zaher Dawy, Elias Yaacoub Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Hardcover Condition Brand New This book treats the problems of single cell resource allocation, multiple cells resource allocation, centralized resource allocation, distributed resource allocation, the case of collaboration between base stations and the case without base station collaboration, in addition to the case of user co
Price: $101.79
author elias yaacoub author zaher dawy format hardback language english publication year 27 03 2012 series ieee series on digital mobile communication subject engineering technology subject 2 engineering technology textbooks study guides title resource allocation in uplink ofdma wireless systems optimal solutions and practical implementations author dawy zaher yaacoub elias publisher ieee publication date mar 13 2012 pages 296 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 6 25 wx 9 50 hx 0 75 d is
author elias yaacoub author zaher dawy format hardback language english publication year 27 03 2012 series ieee series on digital mobile communication subject engineering technology subject 2 engineering technology textbooks study guides title resource allocation in uplink ofdma wireless systems optimal solutions and practical implementations author dawy zaher yaacoub elias publisher ieee publication date mar 13 2012 pages 296 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 6 25 wx 9 50 hx 0 75 d is
Price: $84.99
Tackling problems from the least complicated to the most, Resource Allocation in Uplink ofdma Wireless Systems provides readers with a comprehensive look at resource allocation and scheduling techniques (for both single and multi-cell deployments) in uplink ofdma wireless networks-relying on convex optimization and game theory to thoroughly analyze performance.
Inside, readers will find topics and discussions on:
Formulating and solving the uplink ergodic sum-rate maximization problem
Proposing suboptimal algorithms that achieve a close performance to the optimal case at a considerably red
Tackling problems from the least complicated to the most, Resource Allocation in Uplink ofdma Wireless Systems provides readers with a comprehensive look at resource allocation and scheduling techniques (for both single and multi-cell deployments) in uplink ofdma wireless networks-relying on convex optimization and game theory to thoroughly analyze performance.
Inside, readers will find topics and discussions on:
Formulating and solving the uplink ergodic sum-rate maximization problem
Proposing suboptimal algorithms that achieve a close performance to the optimal case at a considerably red
Price: $92.42
John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2012 | 296 pages | ISBN-13: 9781118074503 | ISBN-10: 1118074505 | You save 10%
John Wiley & Sons Inc | 2012 | 296 pages | ISBN-13: 9781118074503 | ISBN-10: 1118074505 | You save 10%
Download Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems
nside, readers will find topics and discussions on: Formulating and solving the uplink ergodic sum-rate maximization problem Proposing suboptimal algorithms that achieve a close performance to the optimal case at a considerably reduced complexity and lead to fairness when the appropriate utility is used Investigating the performance and extensions of the proposed suboptimal algorithms in a distributed base station scenario Studying distributed resource allocation where users take part in the scheduling process, and considering scenarios with and without user collaboration Formulating the sum-rate maximization problem in a multi-cell scenario, and proposing efficient centralized and distributed algorithms for intercell interference mitigation Discussing the applicability of the proposed techniques to state-of-the-art wireless technologies, LTE and WiMAX, and proposing relevant extensionsAlong with schematics and figures featuring simulation results, Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems is a valuable book for?wireless communications and cellular systems professionals and students. Download free Resource Allocation in Uplink OFDMA Wireless Systems: Optimal Solutions and Practical Implementations (IEEE Series on Digital & Mobile Communication) pdf

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